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Showing posts with the label health insurance factors


 HEALTH INSURANCE Health insurance is a cover that covers the medical expenses of the policyholder. It is a protection against high hospitalization expenses, pre-medical, and post-medical expenses, daycare treatments, aIr ambulance, Ayush benefits, in some type of policies maternity and vaccination of child too. In this article, we are helping you to consider the factors, before purchasing the health policy. so that you choose the best company and products. Factors you should consider before buying health insurance and deciding on the insurance company. Incurred Claim Ratio (ICR):  The ratio of the total number of claims received to the total premiums collected in the same period by the insurance company is known as the Incurred Claim Ratio. A high ICR gives you an idea that the insurance company is more open to accepting new customers and more friendly to issuing policies to people with pre-existing illnesses, and if you are one of those ...